• Disc Disorders

    Many of us are familiar with the terms "slipped disc" and "herniated disc." But few people outside the medical profession truly understand how critical their spinal discs are. Without discs, our vertebrae would grind against each other and our spines would collapse under the strain. A whole host of things

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  • Discus Dental NiteWhite ACP Take-Home Whitening Sy

    Discus™ Dental NiteWhite® ACP Take-Home Whitening System This advanced nighttime whitening system contains a patented ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate) formula. The ACP is combined with potassium nitrate and fluoride to provide more than just whitening. This formulation actually reduces sensitivity,

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  • Discus NiteWhite ACP

    Discus™ NiteWhite® ACP The Discus NiteWhite ACP is a whitening system for patients who want to whiten at home while they sleep. The unique amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) formula, along with potassium nitrate and fluoride, whiten teeth with reduced sensitivity. The kits come in various strengths

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  • Diseases

    Nasal polyps Nasal polyps are pieces of tissue that become swollen and covered with mucus. In many cases, nasal polyps begin in the nasal cavity and end up in the nasal passages. Nasal polyps can make it difficult to breathe and hinder your sense of smell. Nasal sprays containing a substance called

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  • Dizziness

    The inner ear serves two purposes: hearing and balance. There are mechanisms in the ear that inform the brain about your position, orientation in space, and movement at all times to keep you in balance. A false sensation of spinning or whirling, known as vertigo, can occur when the signal to the brain

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