• Early Stage Gingivitis

    If caught early, gingivitis can be treated fairly easily and effectively. A small mirror and a probing tool is used to spot bleeding gums. The more spots that bleed, the more likely your gum disease is severe. Hard mineral deposits (tartar) above and below the gum line are a problem area that is usually

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  • Early Treatment

    Early interceptive orthodontic treatment usually starts before the eruption of the permanent teeth or when the child has very few permanent teeth present. The goal at our office is to guide the growth of the upper and/or lower jaw to make adequate space for the eruption of all the permanent teeth. We

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  • Early Warning Signs

    Deep Bite Do the upper teeth completely hide the lower teeth when you bite down, or does your child bite on the roof of their mouth? Open Bite Do the upper and lower teeth not meet in the front when your child bites together? Overjet Do the upper front teeth seem to be more noticeable

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  • Earwax

    Understanding Earwax (Cerumen): What You Need to Know Earwax, medically referred to as cerumen, is a natural and waxy substance produced by the ear to protect and maintain the health of the ear canal. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding the delicate structures of the ear and facilitating its self-cleaning

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  • Echocardiography

    Echocardiography, a non-invasive imaging technique, has revolutionized the field of cardiology by providing detailed insights into the structure and function of the heart. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the fundamentals of echocardiography, its various types, applications, and its invaluable

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