• Mouth Sores

    There are a variety of sores that can occur in or around the mouth. Most are benign, but some may be indicative of cancer. Canker Sores These small, creamy white ulcers have a red border and always appear inside the mouth. Canker sores can be painful, but they are not contagious. They usually heal in

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  • Mowing

    If you have asthma or allergies, wear a mask Stand as straight as possible, and keep your head up as you rake or mow. Try to mow during the early morning and early evening hours, when the sun is not so hot. Drink plenty of liquids to keep your muscles hydrated. Protect yourself by wearing a hat,

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  • Multiple Teeth

    Implants for Multiple Teeth If you are missing several teeth, implant-supported bridges can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots. What are the advantages of implant-supported bridges over fixed bridges or removable partial dentures? Dental

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  • Muscular System

    The soft tissues that envelop and support your spine make up an intricate network of muscles. With the help of your body's abdominal muscles, this network helps to keep your body stabilized and upright, and allows it to bend and flex. The types of muscles that support your spine include: Extensors

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  • Music Therapy

    Overview Do you have trouble focusing? Or have you been experiencing pain, anxiety, or the inability to fall asleep every night? A music therapy session with us might be just what you need to increase your overall health and well-being. Here's everything you need to know about different forms of music

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