• PRP Injections

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has gained popularity in recent years as a treatment option for various medical conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries and hair loss. PRP injections involve the use of a patient's own blood plasma, enriched with a higher concentration of platelets, to promote

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  • PTSD

    Overview Have you recently experienced sudden neck or back pain? Or have you been in pain for quite some time and are ready to get back to feeling better? A chiropractic adjustment with us might just be what you need for overall wellness. Here's what you should know about chiropractic adjustment for

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  • Pacemaker Implantation

    Pacemaker implantation is a transformative procedure in the field of cardiology, providing a lifeline for individuals with abnormal heart rhythms. In this comprehensive exploration, we navigate through the purpose, procedure, considerations, and advancements in pacemaker technology, shedding light on

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  • Pacifiers and Thumb and Finger Sucking

    In general, I would discourage thumb sucking or pacifiers after the age of 4 because they may lead to overcrowded and crooked teeth, as well as bite problems. In some cases, the upper front teeth may tip toward the lip or not come in properly if thumb, finger, or pacifier sucking continues after the

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  • Pain Pathways

    Understanding Pain Pathways Pain pathways are the routes through which pain signals travel from the site of injury to the brain. These pathways are complex and involve several types of neurons, each with a specific role in transmitting pain signals. The Journey of a Pain Signal The journey of a pain

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