• Sculptra

    OVERVIEW Sculptra or Poly-L lactic Acid is a popular injectable that's used in cosmetic treatments to treat signs of aging by restoring your skin's inner structure and overall volume. According to the FDA, Sculptra injectables are used by board-certified dermatologists and plastic surgeons to treat: shallow

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  • Sealants

    Sealant Info Sealants are thin plastic coatings applied in the dental office on the chewing surfaces of back teeth, which are prime spots for cavities. Sealants act as a barrier to prevent bacteria and food from collecting and sitting on the grooves and pits of teeth. Sealants are best suited

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  • Sealants

    Sealants are liquid coatings that harden on the chewing surfaces of teeth and are showing a great deal of effectiveness in preventing cavities—even on teeth where decay has begun. The pits and grooves of your teeth are prime areas for opportunistic decay. Even regular brushing sometimes misses these

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  • Sealants

    The pits and grooves of your teeth are prime areas for opportunistic decay. Even regular brushing sometimes misses some of these intricate structures on the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Enter sealants, which are thin coatings applied to the chewing surfaces designed to prevent the intrusion of

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  • Sealants

    Sealants Food trapped in the back teeth in the pits and grooves that are formed on the chewing surface is extremely difficult to eliminate through regular brushing or rinsing. Sealants are stuck to the tooth enamel to keep the food from accumulating. The sealants are a tough material made of plastic.

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