Cheek and Facial Implants

An individual's facial appearance derives, first and foremost, from the skeleton. Skin stretches over the underlying bone structure, which creates the essential shapes for each person's face. Sometimes bones in one area are not balanced or prominent enough for the other facial elements. In these cases, facial implants can be used to contour certain features, including the chin, cheeks, jaw and nose. Sometimes facial implant surgery is conducted at the same time as face lifts, nose surgery or other procedures treating the same area of the face.

The procedure for all facial implants is generally the same. The surgeon makes small incisions near the area being treated and in natural folds or creases that will hide any scars. The surgeon chooses from a variety of types and sizes of implants that best match the individual's needs. Fine sutures are used to close the incision. Most facial implant surgeries take between 1 and 2 hours to complete.

The incisions are bandaged or taped for a day or two. Most patients return to normal activity within 10 days to two weeks. There is the possibility of infection following any surgery. Your surgeon will likely prescribe antibiotics to avoid infection in addition to any pain medication. Bruising and swelling is common for the first few days following surgery. You may also be advised to limit some types of physical activity for 4 to 6 weeks following the surgery.

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