• Homeopathy

    Overview Homeopathy is a form of functional medicine that originated in Europe over two hundred years ago. Founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathic remedies use medicines derived from plants, minerals, or animals, and are offered in the lowest concentrations with the belief that “like

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  • Hot Packs

    The application of moist heat to an injured area is often used in conjuntion with other therapies to relax tight muscles and decrease pain or muscle spasms. Hot packs increase blood circulation, which encourages healing. Physical therapists also use hot packs to relax muscles following therapeutic exercise. It

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cat Bed and Bedding Carrier Litterbox and Litter Scratching Post Cat Bed and Bedding Even if you plan to allow your pet to sleep on your bed or any other soft surfaces in your home, you need to set up a dry, warm place that is just for your cat. Bring home a cat bed that has one, lower side

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cages Lining Your Cage Perches Toys Cages A bird's size is the most important determinant for the right cage. The cage needs to offer enough room for your pet bird to at least spread its wings freely and hop around inside. Figure a width of double the bird's wingspan. The bars must be smaller

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Housing Different people have different expectations about how freely they want their dogs to roam in their homes day and night. Whether you choose to allow you dog on the furniture, sleep in bed with a family member or have access to all areas of your home, it is still important that you keep a crate

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