• Sesamoiditis

    Nestled within the foot's intricate structure, the sesamoid bones play a crucial role in weight-bearing and providing a smooth surface for tendons. However, when inflammation strikes these tiny bones, a condition known as sesamoiditis emerges, causing pain and discomfort. In this comprehensive guide,

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  • Sever's Disease

    In pediatric orthopedics, one condition frequently emerging during the growth spurt years is Sever's Disease. Contrary to its name, Sever's Disease isn't an illness; instead, it's a painful heel condition caused by inflammation of the growth plate in the heel bone. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel

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  • Shin Splints

    Shin splints, a term often used to describe pain along the shinbone (tibia), is a common ailment affecting athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of shin splints, exploring its causes, symptoms, and practical management

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  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

    Shingles is a rash caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus (also known as the varicella zoster virus or VZV). Classically, the rash affects only one side of the body, within a single stripe or band known as a dermatome. There may be a prodrome consisting of pain, itching, or tingling localized

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  • Shoe Inserts

    Footwear is the foundation of our daily mobility, and the role of shoe inserts, often underestimated, becomes paramount in ensuring optimal foot health and overall well-being. This comprehensive guide delves into shoe inserts, uncovering their diverse types, benefits, and their crucial role in alleviating

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